What are the types of dysphagia and its causes?
Dysphagia is the inability or difficulty transporting food, solid, liquid or both, from the mouth to the stomach. This symptom can be an acute process, which develops at a specific moment in our lives, or progressive, which manifests itself little by little, making it more difficult to detect and diagnose.
The path of food: from the mouth to the stomach
Although chewing and swallowing are easy for us, it is a complicated actions involving about 30 muscles controlled by our brain. Once we put the food in our mouth, we voluntarily decide to chew it, moisten it with our saliva and push it towards the back of our mouth, where the pharynx begins, to swallow it. Subsequently, the involuntary part of swallowing begins. At this moment, the brain sends a signal to the muscles of our throat so tha...